Nov 8, 2009


Be on the lookout - we have a leg missing!

 LOST: Baby's prosthetic leg

"A 19-month-old lost his prosthetic leg while he was out trick-or-treating on Halloween night. It is tan, and it looks like a baby's leg from about the knee down to the foot (it probably has a little shoe or sneaker on it)."

Now, really.  How does this happen and it not be noticed?


Dawn said...

Omg....I thought you were telling some sort of funny story or joke. Then when I realized there wasn't a punch line and you had a link, I thought I would fall over laughing.

AP - you are a hoot and I'm so glad to have met you.

Tina said...

AP....I am with Dawn. I thought you were did they not notice the kids leg was missing? So sad....

I always love reading your blog...I love your humor!


Lindsay said...

Um, yeah. How *does that happen?

Beth said...

That is hysterical but also a little sad! I just found your blog and you are a riot! thanks for making my day!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you crack me UP, Missy! Hope baby gets her leg back. Wonder what "Mama" was smokin'.

Anonymous said...

A glass eye missing I can understand; an entire leg, a bit harder to imagine it just ups and walks away (har har).

Miss you guys at OHIH!

Lisa said...

I swear, I just love craigslist. I find the funniest things on there. Once I found a guy who said he'd give a blowjob for a bike, because he was tired of walking. I might even still have that one somewhere...

Erin said...

So funny. But not. I like your sense of humor! It's just like mine.

Jennifer said...

Um... I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed. And I like the "probably has a little shoe or sneaker" part. They aren't even sure about that! Stellar parenting.

Lisa said...

Well, it got the best of me...I asked.

"I just have to ask about this post...was the leg ever found? By anyone? Even if you don't want to give it back but just want to share that you found it and what you're going to do with it?"