Oct 4, 2009

Sunday afternoon miscellany.

A couple of years ago, I went on a kick of eating avocados all the time. I saved the seeds from 10 of them and did that deal where you support 'em with toothpicks in glasses of water until they sprout. Stretched along my kitchen windowsill for months were a row of crystal wineglasses, each with an avocado seed supported on top with four toothpicks. I babied those suckers. Their water got changed daily, once a week I added a drop of fertilizer, I stayed vigilant against cat-crime...I was a very good avocado seed mama. Then the day came that my babies were ready for soil. I went and bought 10 new little clay pots and a bag of premium potting soil and set to work. Oh, I just felt so accomplished. I got them all potted and lined up in a little row, envisioning a veritable overflow of avocados in a few years. And then I promptly lost interest. Every little avocado tree died right there in its new little pot, never receiving a bit of attention again. I felt guilty, once in awhile. Sometimes I'd think about them out there and how it would only take 5 minutes to go care for them. It never happened, though, and eventually I dumped everything in a garbage bag, including the pots, and tossed them out. Why do I mention this now? I was chopping an avocado a few minutes ago and decided to save the seed. As I reached for a wineglass, I had this whole ugly flashback to the Avocado Seed Incident and promptly felt awful all over again. I suspect there's a moral to this story, though, and also something very telling about me as a person. If you're reading this, you might want to give that some thought.

Oh a more positive note, I was cleaning out some old pictures and found this little gem I'd taken awhile back at Books-A-Million. Who says religion isn't fun? :-D


Tina said...

So funny.....glad to hear you decided against the avocado thing again...LOL



I would just go buy them in the store! I'm lazy like that though.....

Erin said...

My neighbor saved, rooted, and planted one with her daughter. Now it is HUGE, NEVER bears fruit, and she feels guilty for wanting it to just go away!!!!

Robin said...

Such a funny story! I do the same thing (just not avacados) I start something all "gung ho" only to abandon it later...lol!


Robin :o)

Lisa said...

Robin, I do it with a lot of things. You aren't alone. ;-) Erin, my mom has a tree like that that she grew but someone told me that if you have a bunch of them, they can bear fruit. Sadly, I will never know.

Tricia said...

I never seem to follow through with avocado seeds, either. You can imagine my horror when my daughter wanted to plant a garden and my delight when she followed through and had a successful experience!