It's after 4am, I was awake, Jake is here, but my phone rang and I nearly had a heart attack. I saw it was my mom...heart attack number 2. Is she sick or hurt? No. She's upset as hell about this and can't sleep: She wanted to know if we could find out if we could volunteer with Food Not Bombs and, if so, go help. Really? My hard-ass conservative mom? I mentioned we might get arrested and she was fine with that, said it would feel good to take a real stand and at least people get fed in jail. I'll be damned. But, I'm with her...I can handle a criminal record for this. "Why were you arrested?" "Oh, I fed some homeless people even though it was against the law." Yeah, fuck *that, bring it on. So, I'm going to find out if they can use us and if so, we might wind up on the news, lol. For real, though, I love my mom for this...this story has been weighing on me, too. It should never, *ever be illegal to feed people who are hungry.
I get why people don't like large groups of homeless people gathering up. They smell bad, pick-pocketing is rampant, drug sales occur, other crimes can take place...they panhandle, they accost, they can be scary. I get it, really. But in the end, they are still people, human beings, and they are hungry. Who in the hell has the right, and who *gave them the right, to tell me or anyone else we can't give something as basic as *food to hungry people, regardless of their numbers, circumstances or location? Food, and forgive my liberal-ass self for suddenly emerging here, is a human right to have as long as someone is capable of voluntarily giving it. To arrest people for providing food to hungry people because they want to and can? Boggles my mind. It really does. How shameful in America. It is, it's just shameful.
If you want more info, please go and help if you can. Lord knows I have no trouble asking people for money to help others, lol, so if you can, even a dollar helps. See?
Arresting people for feeding the hungry, my ass. I don't think our founding fathers *or God would like that, do you?
Jun 8, 2011
Jun 3, 2011
A tale of pee and genetics.
Brace yourselves, I'm going to talk about my pee. Yesterday, I noticed it was somewhat dark, a telltale sign I'm not drinking enough. Um, stuff like water, anyway. :-D So, I set to work drinking tons of water, tea, chemically diet soft drinks (note that I refrained from saying "cokes", lower case, and then specifying the cokes were Dr. Pepper and nasty Sierra Mist), and juice. Today, my pee was normal again *cues canned applause* and all was well. Only when I went to pee a bit ago, it smelled funny. Smoky, like BBQ pork. Um, that can't be good right? I'm a little freaked out and come in here to Google "my pee smells smoky" and came to the conclusion I either have low DHEA levels or am diabetic. Google it, you'll see. Terrific, now I'm scared. I decide to ignore it and distract myself so I go out to check my mail and am bowled over by the smell of smoke and as I step out into the open, ash is falling. Fires? I go back inside and check the bathroom...sure enough, the window is cracked open. Dammit, Jake! But it's still a good PSA...if your pee smells smoky, like bacon or ham, it's not a good thing. File that away and remember I might have just saved your life and I didn't take pictures. You're welcome.
Pee aside, tonight I was looking through some old pictures and found some cute ones of my grandmothers and one even included my mom. Want to see? Thought so.
My dad was the amazing photographer behind most family pictures I have. He took this one of Mamaw, Mammy and my mom, which I have framed and in my living room. :-) And who do you think was behind my now-famous (at least in my own mind) little walker icon, after shoving red sunglasses on my face and a red pacifier in me?
Yes, indeed, he's the guilty party. It's okay, though...I'd wear them both again to have him back. I miss my family tonight. Think it would be weird if I went to Mom's and let myself in, then crawled in bed with her? I guess it would be, huh? I'll just wake her up early and tell her about my pee event. She'll laugh, apologize for not having her teeth in, and the world will be good again. :-)
G'night, y'all.